All Punctuation Symbols Alt Code: How to Type the !@‘;& Symbol on Your Keyboard
Punctuation symbols you can easily type on the keyboard using ALT codes. This article includes a list of all punctuation symbols alt code with their description.
Each punctuation symbols is given an alt code. Using it, you can type the symbol you want. You can go through the ALT code table for punctuation sign given in this article to know which ALT code belongs to which type of symbol.
This way you can copy the punctuation symbols. You can use this symbols anywhere without the help of ALT code. So, bookmark this page for later use.
List of punctuation symbols Alt Codes, Html Codes
Alt Code | Symbol | Name |
ALT 33 | ! | Exclamation Mark |
ALT 19 | ‼ | Double Exclamation |
ALT 173 | ¡ | Inverted Exclamation Mark |
ALT 63 | ? | Question Mark |
ALT 168 | ¿ | Inverted Question Mark |
ALT 40 | ( | Left Parenthesis |
ALT 41 | ) | Right Parenthesis |
ALT 91 | [ | Left Square Bracket |
ALT 93 | ] | Right Square Bracket |
ALT 123 | { | Left Curly Bracket |
ALT 125 | } | Right Curly Bracket |
ALT 28 | ∟ | Tab Marker |
ALT 21 | § | Paragraph |
ALT 20 | ¶ | Carriage Return |
ALT 134 | † | Dagger / Obelos |
ALT 135 | ‡ | Double Dagger / Diesis |
ALT 34 | " | Quotation Mark |
ALT 139 | ‹ | Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark |
ALT 155 | › | Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark |
ALT 145 | ‘ | Curly Single Open Quote |
ALT 146 | ’ | Curly Single Close Quote |
ALT 147 | “ | Left Double Quotation Mark |
ALT 148 | ” | Right Double Quotation Mark |
ALT 174 | « | Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark |
ALT 175 | » | Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark |
ALT 130 | ‘ | Left Single Quotation Mark |
ALT 132 | „ | Double Low-9 Quotation Mark |
ALT 58 | : | Colon |
ALT 59 | ; | Semicolon |
ALT 44 | , | Comma |
ALT 46 | . | Full Stop |
ALT 133 | … | Horizontal Ellipsis |
ALT 95 | _ | Underscore |
ALT 175 | ¯ | Overscore |
ALT 124 | | | Bar |
ALT 126 | ~ | Tilde |
ALT 168 | ¨ | Diaeresis |
ALT 45 | - | Dash or Hyphen |
ALT 151 | — | Em Dash |
ALT 42 | * | Asterisk |
ALT 47 | / | Slash |
ALT 92 | \ | Back Slash |
ALT 38 | & | Ampersand |
ALT 39 | ' | Apostraphe |
ALT 64 | @ | Commercial At Symbol |
ALT 96 | ` | Angled Apostraphe |
How to type punctuation symbols !@‘;& a using ALT code ?
To type punctuation symbols a using ALT codes you must have a numeric keypad, obviously, every window computer comes with it but, the main important thing you should know is whether your system has a separate numeric keypad or not. If your system doesn't have a separate numeric keypad then, use fn + num lk keys to turn it on.
Now, let's look at the step-by-step procedure to type punctuation symbols using ALT code.
STEP 1. Click where you want the Exclamation Mark symbols.
STEP 2. Press and hold ALT key.
STEP 3. While holding the alt key type 3 + 3 on the numeric keypad.
STEP 4. Now, release ALT key. The letter will be inserted in the space you want.
Looking for all text symbols then click on this : Keyboard Symbols